
Reflection in my Zemi class

I studied many things about UK. These were surprised at me and was understood the attracted country. I was so interested in Britain. Among studying various sections, I had some good points.

The best point of it is to get much information about Britain. I have some interest sections. One of some section was about the British classes. I knew that there are seven classes and these were divided definitely. The highest class, Upper class is only 1percent. They are Royal family, aristocrats, politician and captains. On the other hand, the other class is Working class. They are job workers like craftsman, carpenters, engineers, plumbers, train drivers and other jobs. Thus, jobs or positions are decided by each class. Other one of some section is about minority languages. Each country of UK has some minority languages. Welsh was the main language in Wales, but Welsh speaker in Wales is only 20.5 percents now. The main reason is the annexation of Walsh by England. English became the main language in Wales and speaking Welsh was banned at also school. However, Welsh speakers increase now for example, Welsh education is carried out in an elementary and junior high school, TV programs as Welsh and other things. It was good for me to study these sections about UK.

My English skill also gets better than before because I could study various words to understand sections about UK. This class was very nice for me to improve my English skill.