
British Classes

British make up different classes. The classes are Upper, Upper-Middle, Middle, Lower-Middle, Working (skilled), Working (unskilled) and Under. It’s separated variety tings, life style, job, clothes more other things.

Upper class
It’s very high class for example, Royal family, aristocrats, politician and captains. They are very wealthy. They have big house or castle and use different language, Queen's English and Received Pronunciation. The top1 per cent of wealth holders own one-third of the nation's wealth.

Upper-Middle class
It’s also high class. They work doctor, pilot, lawyer and top businessman. This class is came under the persons belonged to profession.

Middle class
It’s the majority of the population of Britain. They include industrialists, professionals, business people and shop owners. This class often see working class as uneducated and lacking in culture.
Lower-Middle class
They work small shopkeeper, office worker. These people are less educated than the upper middle class.

Working (skilled)
They work craftsman, carpenters, engineers, plumbers, train drivers and other jobs. They pride own job. They want to stay working class. There are many people can get big money by own job.

Working (unskilled)
This position is no ability and no technique. They belong waiter, dishwasher and so on.

Under class
They are unemployment, for example, homeless and beggar.


Comparison and The underground in UK

UK and Japan are the island countries and near to total land area 244,110 sq km (UK) and 377,837 sq km (Japan). Population is 59,054,800(UK) in 2002 and 123,333,002(Japan) in 2004. Each countries forest percentages are 11%(UK) and 67%(Japan). By these daters, Japan is the country to live people crowdedly and UK is the country which had the vast land.
UK is located the point between 50 degrees north and 60 degrees north. Japan is located the point between 40 degrees north and 20 degrees north. Therefore, Annual mean temperature in both countries is 9.7 temperature(UK) and 15.6 temperature(Japan).

London has the oldest railway system in the world. It says the underground and the tube. There are the 268 stations and the entire rail distance is 400km(250miles). The annual entire users are 976,000,000 people. It’ means to use it 2,670,000 people a day.